Friday, October 11, 2013

Post 1 the idea

         Imagine a world where you can remake anything. A world where everything that you choose may go and you can create or invent anything you wish, a complete restart. Well my friend and I were talking and he had this wondrous idea.....
Hello all, this blog is centered upon an idea that has been brought to my attention by a good friend. If you are not an outdoor person I highly suggest not following my blog. The idea is that what if we could go back to very very early times to when stone tools were the only thing you had to work with. You have no food and have to also find water and shelter. So my friend and I were talking and he had this great wonderful idea, to go out on some of his family property with around 30 people and recreate society through the use of tribes. We soon realized that we needed to have items before we went out and tried this. We have begun preparing basic kits of stone tools lately. Come to find out he actually did this when he lived hours away and it was a great success. there were two tribes, each with their own culture. Each tribe was very intricate and deep in their own way. He claims that after a day or two out in the woods at a time he had to reteach himself parts of how to live in this corrupt society again.
             We are really hoping to get this going again, preparations are already being made and tribes are already forming. We encourage people to ask questions. I will have more on tribal culture and things like that.

Please post comments I really want to hear what everyone thinks!

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