Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Your kit is essential to survival and a successful tribe. A kit is what you can craft from all natural things to bring with when you go out. A general kit consists of:
-cutting tool
-polish stone
-sharpening stone
-a weapon
-cordage (rope/ string)
-hammer stone

Things that could help but are not essential
-mortar and pedestal
-secondary pack
-cultural items

Through this post i will be explaining most of the items in a kit, what they are used for and how you can make them. Now remember that everything that you make need to be made from 100% natural material that you harvest/forage and only tools that you have made from natural things.

The Ax
The ax is a great tool for several things. Cutting is one of the obvious ones but an ax, even a hand ax without a handle, can be great for more than just cutting wood. An ax can be a too to get through thorns or quickly put an animal out of their pain.
     There are two types of axes that will work well. There is a hand ax and an ax with a handle on the end. Most people prefer crafting a hand ax due to the low amount of work. A hand ax consists of just one piece that is a large chunk of rock with a smooth side and a sharpened side. You would take your hammer rock (which I will eventually get to) and break two sides off forming a sharp point on a rock that is large but fits comfortably on your hand. The other type is a modern day hatchet. This is not very popular because it needs to be made so carefully and one error and you don't have an ax at all. Generally with a hatchet you are going to take a grindstone (stone for sharpening) and shape a rock into a hatchet head then find a good handle and split it down the middle at the top then fasten the head to it using reliable cordage and/or glue made from pine pitch.

The Hammer and Grindstone
        These are so incredibly essential to any tool making or crafting not including weaving. These are among the most simplistic tools and really simple to make due to the fact that when you find one work is already done. The purpose of a hammer stone is to be able to break another stone into a sharp point. The best ones are oval shaped and medium sized, easy for gripping and chipping others. The grindstone it used to finely sharpen tools that you make with your hammer stone. The best grindstones are sandstone because of the jagged formation and very rough feel of the stone.

Clothing, Bedding, and Shelter
       All three of these are generally woven. Materials depend greatly upon the weaver's preference. Most tools have a range of preference but not as much as weaving for clothing, bedding, and shelter. I personally prefer cat tails for my weaving because the are very abundant where I live and very easy to work with. A few other good plants to weave with are milkweed and willow. All are prepared in a similar fashion but the culture of the tribe and materials that you have play the biggest role in how exactly you are going to preserve the plant matter. The Sojourn, especially a Rout (explained in detail in previous post) carries a specific kind  of pack that is weaved with plant matter but it is rolled and tied, not folded. The scout pack is woven from fresh cat tail then when it starts to dry out an array of oils is added to the plant to preserve it. All of these things are done differently in each culture nut are done very similarly.

Cutting Tool
          The cutting tool is exactly like a knife, think about all the uses that you have for one. The main difference is that it is made in a very similar way to the ax and in both forms. I have a quartz cutting tool and another rout has a flint one, this is 100% completely customizable and needed for anyone that participates.

Containers and Packs
          Containers are a very useful and essential part of life in the game. Storage is needed and can be made from just about anything. I have made pottery from clay to make containers to hold just about anything. You could also weave pouches and backpacks using animal hides and cordage that you make from either plant fibers, intestines, or animal hide. Containers are also very good to gather things like berries and other edibles or things to make paints or dyes with. Weaving is simple just like when you were in elementary school and made a placemat out of paper and then laminated it, its the same concept.

Weapons and Cordage
           A weapon is required when we go out due to the fact that some animals can indeed be feral and have a chance of attacking. Although this chance may be very slim it is still worth preparing for. Weapons range from the smallest knife to the biggest club and you see everything in the range. Personally i carry a stabbing tool that is made from petrified root and a staff or spear if needed. all weapons take creativity to make and just simply take time.
             Cordage on the other hand is so so extremely important. You can do so many things with cordage including trapping, collecting plants, making housing, crafting backpacks, crafting weapons, and so much more. Good, strong cordage can be made from plant fibers. First you have to separate the fibers from the plant which is by far the most difficult part and requires practice. Then you spin a few strands together to make to separate strands then spin those strands together. The most reliable cordage is actually made from intestines but good cordage can be also made from milkweed, dogwood, and other similar plants.


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